Eva's Wish
Image credit: Raniera
Eva's dying wish for young people of New Zealand
Hi, my name is Eva. I’m 16 and I’ve been battling cancer for the last year and a half. Sadly the treatments have not worked as well as the doctors had hoped so now anything we do medically will only delay the inevitable. As soon as I found this out the first thing people started asking me was "what's your bucket list?"
What I really want is to make a positive difference to people's lives that will still be helping people after I am gone; to give more in life than I have taken.
The area that I am most passionate about creating change in is stopping sexual violence and supporting those who have been sexually assaulted.
New Zealand, without your help, 1 in 3 girls in NZ will be sexually abused, 1 in 7 boys.
I’m not OK with that. Are you?
More of my friends have been sexually assaulted than not – and they had no one to turn to. My dying wish for NZ is for an online space for young people. Where we can go when the worst happens to us – and talk to trained counsellors who can help us.
Anne Tolley is making up her mind about this RIGHT NOW. She’s promised NZ will have a 24/7 hotline for sexual assault survivors.
But young people like me don’t call people – we chat to people online. We want to talk to people where we feel safe. New Zealand, will you share my wish and help make this happen?
Show me a New Zealand that I can feel safe leaving my loved ones in without me being there to look after them.
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Share this video & help make New Zealand safer for our young people
You can also donate online to support NZ’s sexual abuse survivors