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Different Types of Contraception

Different Types of Contraception

Contraception can be used for lots of things beyond just sex, like managing periods, or helping with acne. Whatever you want to use contraception for, it’s important to know what your options are. There are a range of options, most of which are funded so you don’t have to pay a ridiculous amount for them. This also means you don’t just have to stick to the first one you choose, if you don’t like it anymore you can stop or change. You do still need to talk with your doctor to make sure that the option you want is safe for you to use though.


Our friends at Family Planning have helped us to explain some of the most common contraception options to help you understand what is available, and what different options might suit you.

The pill

Contraceptive pills are often the first thing young women are taught about when it comes to contraception, and they are very popular. There are two main types of pill you can get: the combined pill and the progesterone-only pill. The main difference between the two is that one contains two types of hormones that manage your cycle, and the other only contains one type of hormone. Both pills need to be taken daily.

Why do people like the pill?

Using the pill is easy, you can use it to skip periods, you can stop it whenever you like, and it can help manage other things like heavy periods or acne.

The rod

The rod is an implant in your arm that slowly releases hormones. The implant actually consists of two small rods which last up to 5 years and can be removed by a doctor at any time.

Why do people like the rod?

People like the implant because once it is put in, they don’t have to worry about anything until they choose to have it removed.


IUD stands for intrauterine device, which pretty much means it is something that is inserted into a person's uterus. The common IUDs in New Zealand are the hormonal IUD and the copper IUD. Both work to stop an egg from being fertilised. The copper IUD is a great option for people who don’t want to use hormones, and the hormonal IUD is a great option for people who have uncomfortable periods as they often make periods lighter or stop them all together.

Why do people like IUDs?

People like IUDs because they are long lasting (3-10 years depending on options) and don’t require you to do anything until you eventually choose to remove it.

The jab

The Depo Provera injection uses a hormone to stop ovaries from releasing an egg. Each injection lasts for about 13 weeks.

Why do people like the jab?

People tend to like this option because it is convenient, they can do it once very few months and then not have to worry about anything.


Condoms are talked about a lot more than other types of contraception. This is partially due to the fact that you can get them without seeing a doctor, and anyone can buy them.

Why do people like condoms?

Lot’s of people like condoms because you only have to use them when you need them. Condoms are also the only contraception that also prevents STI’s.

The morning after pill

The emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) is a pill that can be taken up to 72 hours after sex to prevent pregnancy. It is not recommended that you use this as your regular contraception, but it is a great option to have as a backup.

Why do people like the morning after pill?

You can buy them over the counter at the pharmacy and keep them at home just in case you need them. Some people like to have ECPs handy in case they forget to take their regular pill and still have sex.


You can find out more about contraception options, and the details about each of them at Family Planning’s Website

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